Most personal injury cases of car accidents, truck accidents, defective products, slip and fall accidents are settled out of court. Parties can save time and resources when they can resolve their cases without going to trial. When a North Carolina personal injury attorney represents you, you get the best advice and perspective on whether it is a reasonable claim offer. Every case is different, and each one’s desires are unique.

Here are some of the questions every client must consider before accepting a settlement offer. It is essential because the case ends there once you get a settlement. When you sign any settlement agreement, you surrender your right to take further legal action on the injury. When someone else’s action has caused you any harm that has a potential claim, contact an expert personal injury lawyer Raleigh NC, for a free consultation.

Are You Working With A Lawyer?

A personal injury claim starts with an insurance claim and may become a lawsuit against the person, company, or local government responsible for your injury. If you sue the party that harmed you, their insurer would pay you the needful compensation amount.

Insurance companies are profit-making businesses, and the claim adjusters are accountable to their employer to pay the minimum amount to resolve a claim. They check the previous claims and decide the amount to offer an injury victim. This daily activity offers low settlements to injured people trying to come to grips with once-in-a-lifetime injuries.

A North Carolina personal injury attorney knows how to counter the strategies used by insurance companies. They do not let insurers pressure the victims to accept an inadequate settlement amount. The lawyers evaluate the losses caused by accidents and determine the appropriate compensation for injuries.

What are the damages covered in personal injury claims?

In addition to recovering the medical care expenses under North Carolina personal injury law, you have a right to demand compensation for the following heads-

  • Lost income
  • Future losses from reduced earning capacity
  • Property damage, such as the cost to repair/replace a vehicle
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of ability to participate in household responsibilities

The experienced personal injury lawyer Raleigh NC, can help you evaluate all your losses from an accident. Lost income and property damage costs fall under economic damages that can be quantified. The other “non-economic damages” can be negotiated.

The seasoned attorneys press for higher non-economic damages for more severe injuries. It may be severe traumatic brain injury, paralysis, or severe burns that are highly painful and disfiguring. A disabled person who had previously led a very active life deserves additional compensation. A personal injury settlement assists you financially with no monetary losses due to the accident.

What is the Cost of a Personal Injury Claim?

When you file a lawsuit on your own, it comes with filing fees and other costs. If experienced lawyers from a law firm take your case, you need not have to pay any upfront cost. They handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis.

If the attorneys successfully obtain a settlement or court award for you, you need to pay the agreed-upon percentage as the legal fee and case expenses. The common case expenses for a personal injury case include the following-

  • Investigation costs
  • Administrative expenses
  • Deposition costs
  • Court costs
  • Expert witness fees

Because of how the legal team gets paid, it is important to consider the cost of taking a claim and the likelihood of success before taking a case. When you contact a lawyer about your case, they will explain the fee percentage associated with your case type.

The Bottom Line

The North Carolina personal injury attorney at the firm of Laura Jenkins believe in going the extra mile for all personal injury cases. Every case has its factors that influence how much of a settlement can be recovered. The team has a track record of success in handling personal injury matters. If you have an injury claim in North Carolina, contact Laura Jenkins today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.