If you’re an undocumented immigrant and you get hurt at work, your rights are exactly the same as any other person. In some situations, the employer’s attorney may threaten you with different defenses that are related to a lack of documentation. However, in 95% of the cases, the fact that you do not have the proper documentation to be in the country does not affect your workers’ compensation benefits in any way. In fact, with the help of a Raleigh workers’ compensation attorney, undocumented immigrants can sue for personal injury just like anyone else because legal documentation is not necessary to file a lawsuit or to file a counterclaim.
The Rights Of Undocumented Immigrants Vs. U.S. Citizens
As an immigrant, if you are hurt at work, your rights are the same as every other citizen of the State of North Carolina. After an injury, you should file a claim, give notice, and get treatment. You should also call a workers’ compensation professional to give you advice as soon as you can.
Your workers’ compensation claim cannot be denied just because you are an undocumented immigrant because no law allows this to occur. You cannot get in trouble for filing workers’ compensation because you are an immigrant, illegal or otherwise. It should be noted that immigrants have the same right to workers’ compensation benefits as every other citizen.
How Can A Workers’ Comp Law Firm In NC Help Me?
When it comes to being an immigrant, documented or undocumented, our firm has a lot of experience in helping folks from many different countries including those who speak Spanish and Haitian Creole. During your initial consultation, if you’re an immigrant with documentation issues, we will cover all the basics of workers’ compensation in addition to any issues that may arise due to your immigration status.
If you are an undocumented immigrant who is hurt at work, your employer may threaten you with immigration proceedings if you want to file a complaint. This is against the law and if attorneys try to use immigration issues as a defense to workers’ compensation claims, they can be brought to the North Carolina State Bar on ethics charges.