When we talk about injuries in the workplace, many people immediately think of factories, industrial areas, construction sites, and other blue-collar environments. While it is true that blue-collar workers suffer workplace injuries more often, anyone injured at the workplace may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

Knowing the common types of workplace injuries, its causes, and how they impact the claim settlement process can help you understand whether you are entitled to compensation. If you are still determining whether you are eligible for benefits, a Greensboro workers compensation lawyer can review your case and provide the best solutions. Read on to learn more about workplace mishaps and injuries.

Common Workplace Injuries

1. Falls 

Many severe injuries like bone fractures, spinal injuries, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries result from falls at work. You may qualify for workers’ compensation if you’re injured in a fall at work, whether from slipping/tripping or heights due to lacking safety measures.

2. Injuries Caused by Falling Objects

Falling tools, merchandise, or other heavy objects cause many workplace injuries. They can cause serious injuries when they strike workers. Falling objects cause injuries to the head and brain but may even result in crushed appendages.

Are you dealing with workplace injuries and want the best legal help? Find a reliable Greensboro workers compensation lawyer today.

3. Motor Vehicle Accidents

One common cause of injury for many workers is Motor vehicle accidents. It can include people who work in the transportation industry and drive as part of their job. It can also include people regularly exposed to traffic, like road construction workers. Regardless of your job, you may be entitled to workers’ comp if you faced an injury in a work-related motor vehicle accident.

4. Overexertion

A lot of workplace injuries result from overexertion. It is the pulling or pushing too hard or lifting objects that are too heavy. Overexertion can cause strains, back injuries, sprains, pulled muscles, and other problems. While overexertion injuries are common among laborers, anyone can hurt themselves when they are physically straining when completing a task.

5. Repetitive Use Injuries

Some injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome or back pain, develop gradually from doing the same tasks repeatedly at work, such as typing or lifting. To receive workers’ compensation, it’s important to demonstrate a clear connection between your injury and your job duties. Seeking prompt medical attention and documenting your symptoms and limitations can strengthen your claim. Consulting with a workers’ compensation attorney in Greensboro can also help you navigate the process and ensure your rights are protected.

6. Machinery and Equipment Injuries

Power tools and heavy machinery are a reason for catastrophic injuries to workers. It includes crushing or amputation of limbs that require extensive medical treatment and often result in permanent disabilities.

Your Injury and Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

In a few cases, pursuing a worker’s co worker’s claim is simple. Your employer files the claim, and you get your benefits. In other cases, the process can be much more challenging.

In order to get workers’ compensation benefits, you need to prove that your injury was sustained in your job performance. It is relatively simple when you suffer from an injury in a workplace mishap that was witnessed by others. Unfortunately, proving that your injury is work-related can be difficult in the following cases:

  • You were alone at the time of the injury.
  • The injury resulted from overexertion or repetitive use.
  • Prolonged exposure to a toxic substance or environment caused the injury.
  • Work-related emotional or psychological trauma is affecting you.
  • The current work-related injury is connected to a prior injury.
  • There is a dispute over whether the injury occurred during your job duties.

Suppose you fall into any of these categories or are facing any resistance to your claim. In that case, you must discuss your case with a Greensboro workers compensation lawyer as soon as possible. The legal expert can help you gather the evidence you need to support your claim so you can get the compensation you deserve.

The Bottom Line

At the firm of Laura S. Jenkins, we have experience helping injured workers get the necessary benefits. We understand the challenges one may face and know how to get the best possible results. To talk to a Greensboro workers compensation lawyer at our firm, call us today at (919) 846-7766 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.