Suffering from a work injury can be a distressing experience, and the complexities of obtaining workers’ comp benefits can sometimes be overwhelming. If you are affected and injured due to someone else’s negligence, find a reliable workers comp lawyer in Greensboro, NC. But in such a challenging time, why is it essential to have a skilled workers’ comp lawyer by your side? Read on to know.

  1. The Complexity of Workers’ Compensation Claims:

Filing a workers’ compensation claim is more complicated than it seems. A set of rules, regulations, and deadlines must be followed to ensure valid claims. A seasoned workers’ comp attorney checks you meet all requirements, ultimately increasing your chances of a successful claim.

  1. Protecting Your Rights:

Sometimes, it is expected to see insurance companies and employers need to have your best interests in mind. Their primary focus is minimising costs, which could lead to a denial or negligible benefits. Having a dedicated workers’ comp lawyer can help level the playing field. Your Greensboro workers compensation lawyer will advocate for your rights. You can receive the maximum benefits entitled to under North Carolina’s workers’ compensation laws.

  1. Maximising Compensation:

While you may be entitled to the base benefits, an experienced attorney can help you know the maximum compensation potential. In cases where a third party contributed to your work-related injury, you may pursue a personal injury claim in addition to workers’ comp benefits. It can help you recover comprehensively, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and all other damages.

  1. Navigating Appeals and Disputes:

In some cases, the claims are denied, or disputes arise regarding the appropriate level of compensation. When you face these challenges, a skilled attorney can handle the appeals process and present a strong case on your behalf. Their experience can immensely increase your chances of a successful outcome.

  1. Focusing on Recovery:

Dealing with a work-related injury is stressful enough to cause a bad mood. You need time to recover and heal from what has happened. Hiring a workers comp lawyer Greensboro NC allows you to focus on your recovery. The law firm and their team can handle the legal aspects of your case. This peace of mind significantly alleviates stress.

  1. No Upfront Costs:

One of the significant advantages of hiring a workers’ comp attorney is that they work on a contingency fee basis– meaning there are no upfront costs or fees. You need to pay after securing compensation for you. This approach ensures that legal representation is accessible to all injured workers, not causing any financial burden during a challenging time.

When Do You Need a Lawyer for Your  Claim?

Deciding that you need an expert attorney depends on how your employer and the insurance company handle your claim. There are a few warning signs to look for before you decide-

  • Your employer says that the accident did not happen at work. Sometimes, they claim the accident did not happen at work.
  • Permanent disabilities not allowing you to return to work can be disputed by insurance companies because of the finances involved in such cases.
  • Your employer needs to move your claim appropriately when it should take at most 30 days to complete.
  • If the insurance company denies your claim, an expert is needed to fight for your claim. Reach out to a workers’ compensation attorney near you.

How Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help if Your Claim Is Denied

Many workplace injury victims are forced to endure the stress of petitioning denied workers’ compensation claims. This process comes with anxiety and self-doubt as insurance companies often do not provide victims with clarification on whether they have a right to compensation. Those injured in the workplace deserve benefits to help account for the losses endured as the outcome.

Working with an experienced attorney helps victims again appeal an insurance company’s decision. The insurance may elect to deny your claim for various reasons. These reasons can be tackled with compassionate and knowledgeable lawyers familiar with these denials. Their expertise helps boost the chances of your petition’s success.

The Bottom Line

At Laura Jenkins, we’re dedicated to helping injured workers in North Carolina. The experienced and skilled attorneys are committed to protecting your rights and maximising your compensation! Expect all the support you need to focus on your speedy recovery. If you need workers’ comp benefits, seek a free case evaluation by an expert workers comp lawyer in Greensboro, NC. We’re here to help you through the legal process, ensuring you receive all the potential benefits you rightfully deserve.