Staying safe in the workplace is an essential priority for many employees. An injury, accident, or illness could mean having to take time off work, and this is simply not financially viable for many families. Fortunately, there are plans and systems in place to help out workers who are injured in the workplace, and this is known as workers’ compensation.

In the simplest terms, workers’ compensation refers to an insurance plan held by employers. It allows financial aid and assistance to be given to workers in the event that they are injured or hurt while at work, giving them a safety net while in recovery.

What is the Intended Purpose of Workers Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is designed to cover a range of expenses a worker incurs as a direct result of their injury. These can include:

  • Medical bills, including hospital stays, medication, emergency room visits, ambulance trips, rehabilitation, and therapy bills.
  • Loss of earnings - legislation in North Carolina dictates that workers be paid at least two-thirds of their average weekly wage. This can be paid until the employee is cleared for work by a healthcare professional.
  • Travel expenses - if you are forced to travel to attend your doctors or rehabilitation appointments, your expenses may be covered.
  • Vocational rehabilitation - once you are cleared to return to work, workers’ compensation may offer training and support to ensure that you are still able to carry out your role with ease and confidence.

Does Workers’ Compensation Help Cover the Costs of Disease Treatment?

Workers’ compensation cases generally fall under two headings, injury by accident and occupational disease. An occupational disease is a condition that is developed as a direct result of your work or working environment. State and federal law state that you are certainly entitled to claim for occupational diseases under workers’ compensation, even if symptoms do not develop after you have left the role. This caveat helps cover diseases that do not immediately show symptoms, such as those caused by asbestos exposure, including mesothelioma and asbestosis, which can take up to 20 years to produce symptoms and signs. In case you are looking for law firm handling workers compensation in Raleigh, NC, you can count on us 24/7.

Occupational diseases differ from other types of illnesses because your job directly exacerbates the level of risk. Simply by carrying out the duties that are a requirement of your everyday role, you are being placed at a far higher risk of contracting a condition or being exposed to a hazard compared to the general public’s risk factor. In order for the issue to be classed as an occupational disease, these two items must be present; you have developed a disease from an exposure at work, and your job has placed you at a greater risk of developing this condition.

What Are Examples of Occupational Diseases?

Some of the most common health issues associated with occupational exposure include the following:

  • Lead poisoning
  • Asbestosis/Mesothelioma
  • Hearing loss
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Asthma
  • Back strain and injuries
  • Congenital disabilities and developmental abnormalities

How Can We Help?

If you have contracted any sort of condition or disease due to long term exposure at your work, you need guidance from a lawyer as soon as possible. Laura S. Jenkins, PC has the compassion and experience to defend you in court and will work hard to ensure you are awarded the highest amount of workers’ compensation possible.