When it comes to staying safe in the workplace, your employer must take a number of practical steps. They must ensure that the working site is secure and free from hazards, that all of the obvious risks are clearly assessed and minimized, and that all workers have the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their roles safely.
If you’ve been injured in the workplace, contact Laura S. Jenkins, PC as soon as possible. As your workers’ compensation lawyer, she will help prepare all necessary documentation to submit a successful claim and work to earn you the highest amount of compensation possible.
How Can Workers’ Compensation Help Me?
In addition to the aforementioned physical and practical considerations, employers must also ensure that their staff are adequately protected financially if an accident takes place on the premises. This protection is known as workers’ compensation and is a program designed to act as a safety net to any injured worker until they are deemed medically able to return to work by a doctor. The financial assistance can be used to cover medical bills, including travel to and from appointments, as well as a loss of income while they are unable to work. Compensation can also cover training and assistance once the individual re-enters the workplace as well as any other costs that arise while the worker is in the healing process.
Workers’ compensation is designed to protect employees from uncertainty, financial hardship, and loss of a steady income.
What If My Employer Fires Me for My Claim?
There is a fear amongst some workers that submitting a claim will result in them losing their job - especially if the employer caused their accident or injury. The North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA) was established with the sole intention of preventing this issue and helping to protect workers from potential retaliation by disgruntled bosses.
In addition to the retaliatory employment discrimination act, there are other laws that protect your rights at work, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA). This ensures that the REDA is a substantial, respected piece of legislation, which more than holds its weight and value in the legal system.
There are, however, still examples of employers firing employees for making claims, and attempting to cover themselves by associating the termination of employment with another issue, separate from the compensation claim. They may produce spurious evidence in an attempt to prove that retaliation for the request was not part of the decision, making it hard for employees to prove.
Workers do have recourse and can seek legal advice if they feel they have been unfairly dismissed. However, there is a time limit and details and paperwork are needed to be successful, so consider contacting a lawyer and you can then proceed with the complaint. All eligible workers are entitled to claim workers’ compensation and should not fear being penalized or risk losing their jobs by claiming something that is perfectly legal and designed to help.
If you’re concerned about filing a workers’ compensation claim, turn to a trusted attorney for workers compensation who can help simplify the process. Contact Laura S. Jenkins for a no-obligation consultation, and advice for moving forward and earning what you deserve.